Application for Employment

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Type of position desired:

Please choose your availability to work:


Personal Details:

Are you a permanent resident of Australia or an Australian Citizen?
Are you over 18 years of age?


SKILLS CHECKLIST (please indicate those areas in which you are able to demonstrate skills/experience)

Employment History and References

Are you currently employed?
From - To

Health Record

Have you ever had any accidents or serious illness, either work related or personal?
Have you ever received Workers Compensation?
Are you aware of any health problem, which may affect your capacity to work?


Have you ever had employment terminated due to unsatisfactory work or conduct?
Have you, in the last five years, been convicted of any offence other than minor traffic infringements?
Do you have any objection to enquiries of your present employment regarding qualifications and character?
Is there any additional information you wish to provide?


* I hereby authorise Club York to contact the persons above for the purposes of collecting reference information that relates to suitability for employment.

* I declare that the information supplied in this application is, to the best of my knowledge both true and complete. I understand that providing false information may be sufficient cause for rejection or, in the case of employment, dismissal.

* After having read the relevant material, I agree to abide by the Club’s policies and procedures as disclosed to me or contained in the staff manual, or any other manuals and documentation directly related to my employment.

* I agree to complete all reasonable requests of Club York as directed by management. Including working in other areas or capacities than directly stated in my job description.

* I understand that should this application be successful there will be a six (6) month probation period, during which, if the arrangement does not prove successful, my offer of employment may be rescinded.

Please complete only if you are successful:

Club York Sydney